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How much organic fertilizer does one ton of fresh cow manure produce
Cow dung is a cold fertilizer because of its fine texture and slow decomposition. How much organic fertilizer does one ton of fresh cow manure produce? One ton of fresh cow manure generally contains 90% water. To make cow manure organic fertilizer, the fresh cow manure must first be dehydrated. According to general data: one ton of cow manure can produce about 0.3-0.5 tons of organic fertilizer. The output depends on the actual ingredients and the moisture content of the cow dung. There are many fertilizer granulators suitable for the production of cow manure organic fertilizer, and our company's fertilizer granulator machine model is the most complete.
How much organic fertilizer does one ton of fresh cow manure produce
After the fresh cow dung is dehydrated appropriately, it is ready for fermentation. One ton of cow dung needs to be made into organic fertilizer. It is definitely time-consuming and laborious to make organic fertilizer. The workload is still very large. Choosing a cow dung organic fertilizer production line equipment to make organic fertilizer will save a lot of labor and work efficiency. High, the time to make organic fertilizer only takes half the time of traditional fermentation to make organic fertilizer.
The cow dung organic fertilizer production line includes comprehensive equipment: fermentation equipment (organic fertilizer fermentation turning and throwing machine)-organic fertilizer crushing equipment (new vertical grinder)-mixing equipment-granulating equipment (disc manufacturing
Granulator, drum granulator, etc.)-drying equipment-cooling equipment-screening machine-packaging and weighing equipment. This is a complete cattle manure organic fertilizer production line, and there is a conveyor belt connection between the equipment and the equipment. Automated processing requires only a few manual operations.